Thursday, March 6, 2025


Deputy Tall Bear (from KID COLT #105) is one of those well-meaning efforts from credited writer Stan Lee that some readers would find problematic. Hero Kid Colt observes that Tall Bear, an Indian who talks in pidgin English, has been made deputy during the sheriff's absence. Colt also perceives that the local bigots are planning to assault Tall Bear in the night to teach the Indian his place. So the outlaw comes up with a complicated plan, putting blanks in the deputy's gun and then using mad gunfighter skills to humiliate the bigots and send them packing. I don't have any objections to Colt rescuing Tall Bear-- the political cant about "white saviors" I view as garbage-- but the pidgin English is hard to take, and the character isn't given any reason to be so devoted to enforcing white man's law.           


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