Friday, February 21, 2025


 In keeping with my idea that time-travelers meeting with "legendary" historical figures *may* count as icon-crossovers, one possible source of same is the long running JUMBO COMICS backup feature STUART TAYLOR. I've never paid it much attention because it's very dull. But the title-less story I call "Ghost of Sleepy Hollow" from JUMBO #35 departs from the usual routine of time-traveler Stuart Taylor showing up in historical periods to mess with people from the past. In "Ghost," Taylor believes for some reason that the purely fictional characters of Irving's "Legend of Sleepy Hollow" are historically real, so he and his girlfriend travel to the past to meet Ichabod Crane and Brom Bones. Taylor champions Ichabod by exposing Brom's pose as the Headless Horseman. The girlfriend does nothing but sneer at Ichabod for being a wimp.                                       


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