Monday, May 20, 2019


From CAPTAIN AMERICA #292 (1988) comes Jesse Black Crow, a paralyzed Amerindian guy who uses Indian magic to become a superhero named-- well, he's still Black Crow, he just drops his first name. In his first appearance he decides that the "Earth Spirit" he venerates requires some great act of vengeance for the sufferings of all Native Americans. Therefore he decides to sacrifice Captain .America's life in retaliation for the sufferings of his people.

Cap fights back for a while, and then decides that Black Crow represents some fundamental justice, so he surrenders. Happily, Black Crow changes his mind and lets the Avenger live. The Crow flew a few more times since then but he hasn't exactly inspired many raconteurs to revive him.

Frankly, while the character's conception is a step up from badly demonized types like Great Warrior or the Waquo Indians, Black Crow seems just about as simplistic and unimaginative, however more politically fitting.

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